October 27, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
SOLD OUT! Mushroom Foray
Join PhD Students from Clark University, Prasanth Prakash Prabhu and Thomas Roehl, for a mushroom foray with the Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor and the Grafton Land Trust.
We will meet at the entrance of the Brigham Hill Wildlife Area for a brief introduction to fungi and then head out into the woods to find mushrooms and other fungi. Along the way, we will discuss how to find, identify, collect, and preserve mushrooms. October typically brings popular edible species like Hen of the Woods, Chicken of the Woods, Oyster Mushrooms, Enoki, Blewits, Honey Mushrooms, and Puffballs. Many species can be identified while walking, but others must be looked up in a book — bring a basket to carry along any mushrooms that need further ID.
Parking at this site is limited to 10 cars. Some street parking is available but use caution to not block the driveway to the water tower.
Additional parking will be available (with carpooling) at139 Brigham Hill Rd and at 5 Wheeler Road. Please carpool as much as possible for this event.
Reservations required. Reserve your car here: https://bit.ly/MushroomForay2024