February 25 @ 1:30 pm
Tuesday Tea Time Talks: Unions and the Textile Industry
Join the museum for the next program in the series on Tuesday, February 25 at 1:30 p.m. Participants will gather in the Union Hall Exhibit, which discusses the role of unions within the Textile Industry, particularly the impact that the ITU, or Independent Textile Union (later the Industrial Trade Union), had on the city of Woonsocket . Come ready to learn about the history and impact of the ITU, and to share any personal experiences with unions, whether through the textile trade or beyond. All are welcome, and encouraged to bring photographs and other documents that will help illustrate their stories.
Cookies and tea will be served. Registration is encouraged, but not required. Guests can register here: https://www.simpletix.com/e/tuesday-tea-time-talks-unions-and-the-text-tickets-198530