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3 events found.
Art in Bloom
Grafton Historical Society 71 Main Street, South GraftonThe Grafton Garden Club and the Grafton Historical Society present Art in Bloom. Floral Interpretations by the Grafton Garden Club of the paintings by Carolyn Kinloch-Winkler, renowned Grafton artist. Open…
VALLEY TALK: The Birth and Death of a Textile Mill with Bonnie Wade Mucia
VirtualIndustrial mills once dotted the landscape in New England, particularly along the Blackstone River Valley, which extends from Worcester, Massachusetts, to Providence, Rhode Island. These mills are gradually disappearing because…
Mammoth Rock Loop Hike
Upton State Forest 205 Westboro Road, UptonMeet at the CCC Camp parking area (205 Westboro Road, Upton). This hike is approximately 2.5 miles over a rugged forest surface with steep inclines. All programs are free and…