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Volunteer Spotlight: Ross Weaver


Meet Ross Weaver. Ross has been volunteering for over four years. He is involved with the Sutton Historical Society, one of Blackstone Heritage Corridor’s volunteer partners, and spends his time preserving historical cemeteries. He learned about the Blackstone Heritage Corridor through another volunteer who was offering training on preserving and repairing headstones. He is now a volunteer with the Corridor’s Cemetery Conservation Ambassadors. Ross also volunteers with Waters Farm in Sutton. Ross is also a recipient of the Corridor’s John H. Chafee Leadership Award.

When asked how volunteering has impacted his life, he says, “Talking with and observing the work of others who have much experience in the process has provided more information that we have used to refine and – in some instances – simplify the repair and resetting work.” 

When asked why someone should volunteer with the Corridor, Ross shares, “The Blackstone River Valley is a better place to live since the Heritage Corridor was organized. People – both professionals and volunteers – have and continue to work on improving environmental conditions, expanding access, restoration, and preservation. Linking with Blackstone Heritage Corridor enables us to link with others and share our experiences. Also, if there is some other topic/project that you think may be of interest to others and encourage their participation, the Corridor might consider that for inclusion in the VIP program. 

Investing in our volunteer program is one of our priorities. By placing more volunteers in the parks found in the Corridor, we will provide more access and support for visitors and local residents to enjoy our beautiful green spaces. We can do this by investing in new tools, uniforms, and training to provide more meaningful ways to be part of the Corridor. Learn more about our Legacy Campaign at BlackstoneHeritageCorridor.org.
If you’re interested in volunteering, reach out to Molly Cardoza, Director of Volunteer and Community Engagement, at [email protected].