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Bike, Hike, and Paddle with the Corridor This Spring
Adventure awaits in the Blackstone Valley, and Blackstone Heritage Corridor’s volunteers invite you to join them on guided bike rides, hikes, and paddle trips this spring.
Explore different sections of the Blackstone River Bikeway/Greenway with Blackstone Heritage Corridor’s Bikeway Ambassadors. Guided trips include Wednesday, May 10: Blackstone to Uxbridge, MA; Wednesday, May 24: Woonsocket to Lincoln, RI; and Wednesday, June 21: Pollinator Bike Ride – Lincoln, RI. Bring your own bike, helmet, and water. Rides depart at 6:30 p.m. and return by 8 p.m. Find all the details and RSVP at https://bit.ly/BikeSpring23.
Discover some great hiking trails with Blackstone Heritage Corridor’s Trail Ambassadors. Upcoming trips include the Midstate Trail at Douglas State Forest. Part One is on Saturday, April 22, and Part Two is on Saturday, May 13. Learn more and RSVP at https://bit.ly/MidstateOne and https://bit.ly/MidstateTwo. Explore the Mowry Farm and Conservation Area in Smithfield, RI, on Sunday, April 30. Find details and RSVP at https://bit.ly/MowryHike. Take a hike around the India Point/Fox Point area of Providence on Sunday, May 28. Tour the neighborhood, stopping at churches, historical sites, and old houses of yesteryear and explore the history of the Seekonk River. The sites have histories spanning from 1636 to the early 21st century. Learn more and RSVP at https://bit.ly/FoxPointWalk.
The Blackstone Valley Paddle Club, a Volunteers-In-Parks program partner of BHC, kicks off its paddle season in May with guided trips on Tuesday evenings throughout the Valley. Find program details and this season’s schedule at https://ricka.org/BVcalendar.html.
There is so much more to do in the Blackstone River Valley this season. Don’t miss the programming offered by Blackstone River Valley National Historical Park. Find out more at nps.gov/blrv. To explore on your own, use the Corridor’s interactive map at https://bit.ly/BHCIMAP. To learn about other events this spring, visit BlackstoneHeritageCorridor.org.